Constitution Class MKII Fleet (21 Ships) Lightwave3d
I am releasing my version of Reimagined Constitution Class starships for a limited run, modelled in Lightwave9.61 which should also work and render well in later versions. anyone that follows me on Facebook knows I rescaled the design and made some changes to the design.
Note, No refund is offered as this is a digital asset. these are available in Lightwave3d and obj/mtl files after several requests, obj/mtl files are available separately:
I have included the same 21 ship fleet names under the CBS List (below) filling in the blanks as best I could and are also provided, Constitution-class ships are provided only in Lightwave3d and now obj files format, as the model is made up of 10 layers I have provided individual files for each layer in obj format so you will have to adapt it to your program, beyond Lightwave3d I cannot help.
Each model uses Lightwave3d layers:
Layer 01: The Ship
Layer 02: Interior Rooms
Layer 03: Hangar Doors Closed (I cannot animate or rig)
Layer 04: Hangar Doors Open
Layer 05: Docking Hatch's Closed (Primary Hull)
Layer 06: Docking Hatchs Open (")
Layer 07: Torpedo Covers
(I have 2 forward and 1 aft torpedo tube on the Secondary hull and one on the lower section of the Primary Hull, uncovered (hidden or deleted from the scene when not needed) during a battle etc.
Layer 08 - 09: Top Hull Hatches, for EVA shots (images below)
Layer 10: Rec rooms furniture (on the Enterprise)
Ships included with names and reg stencilled into the model
The Constitution-class Registry list of 2023
01 USS Constellation NCC-1017
02 USS Constitution NCC-1700
03 USS Defiant NCC-1764
04 USS Eagle NCC-956
05 USS Endeavour NCC-1895
06 USS Enterprise NCC-1701
07 USS Essex NCC-1697**
08 USS Excalibur NCC-1664
09 USS Exeter NCC-1672
10 USS Farragut NCC-1647
11 USS Hood NCC-1703
12 USS Hornet NCC-1714***
13 USS Intrepid NCC-1631
14 USS Kongo NCC-1710
15 USS Lafayette NCC-1720****
16 USS Lexington NCC-1709
17 USS Potemkin NCC-1657
18 USS Republic NCC-1371
19 USS Yorktown NCC-1717
20 USS Hornet NCC-1868
21 USS Emden NCC-1856
**USS Essex: (I include this as the name is used in the polar Lights
model kits)
***USS Hornet: This is non-canon But has been accepted for some time among fans so I retained it)
****(Lafayette is also non-canon)
I have removed the U.S.S. MERRIMAC from the Constitution-Class listing, having researched it, I found it was classified as a cruiser but not a Starship class like the Enterprise in Star Trek The Motion Picture. So perhaps a Miranda class or one of my other designs might work for this ship.
USS Emden NCC-1856 was mentioned in Operation Retrieve STAR TREK The Undiscovered Country.
USS Valiant: (NCC-1223 This registry is too low in my mind for a Constitution-class and should not be considered the vessel that was listed as lost over Eminiar VII in the TOS episode "A Taste of Armageddon" This event takes place in the year 2217, 22 years before the launch of the USS Constitution (conjectural launch date) in 2239.
The USS Enterprise's launch date is 2245, so it would be another 50 years before the USS Enterprise under the command of James T.Kirk is ordered to Eminiar VII in 2267 on a diplomatic mission with Special Ambassador Robert Fox aboard to negotiate Treaty Port for the Federation with Anan 7.
The Constitution-class U.SS Valiant was possibly the 3rd ship to take the name, I am including the S.S. Valiant mentioned in "Where No Man Has Gone Before" as a Federation-registered ship even while may not have been a Starfleet ship at all,
but a Federally-registered explorer ship.
My model of the Enterprise appeared on the Star Trek Ships of the Line poster rendered by Marty Miller for the 2022 cover after he tweaked the design to suit his project
Also included are my EVA-suited crews for any drydock scenes you care to render, My dry dock is also hosted here, and while the crews are not great for close-ups they are good enough for medium-distance shots.
Following this upload, I will be following the uploading of other ships in the fleet, in both Lightwave3d and obj files. but these will be slowly done.
Loknar class
Cargo Mandible Attachment and their Cargo / Passenger / Fuel modules etc will each be included with Loknar/Drexler/Hutzel and Oberth Classes:
01. When paying for and downloading this resource item, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this EULA.
02. This asset as is cannot be used commercially
03. You may not make or give away copies of this Package.
05. You may apply bug fixes, portability fixes and other modifications derived from the Public Domain
06. Furthermore, you may otherwise modify or adapt your copy of this design or change its final look to suit your project
07. The contents of this package automatically fall under the copyright of this Agreement, belong solely to the author, and may not be sold commercially at any time.
08. The name of the originating Author may not be used to endorse or promote products or software derived from the contents of this package without specific prior written permission.
Gerard Duffy (gmd3d)
I can only help with Lightwave3d and any other program is beyond me